If you’ve found yourself wishing you had more investment knowledge each time you hear about the price of gold skyrocketing or that a new IPO that has quadrupled in value in its first day on the market, you’re not alone – less than 50 percent of Americans have money invested in the stock market, and many cite inexperience or lack of knowledge about stocks as one of the primary reasons for this avoidance.…
With the tenuous state of affairs in the world, more and more people are giving thought to going off grid and leading a self-sustainable lifestyle. For most people, this means buying a piece of land and creating a homestead that no longer requires your dependence on being connected to the main power supply. Building your homestead will require time, but it will also require carefully choosing the piece of land you plan to build upon.…
When you think of the word diesel, images of big trucks hauling massive payloads down the highway probably come to mind. But today, engines that run on diesel fuel are manufactured by plenty of big name car companies. Diesel passenger cars and even SUVs are available for those interested. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, it might worth your time to at least look into diesel as a potential option.…