With the tenuous state of affairs in the world, more and more people are giving thought to going off grid and leading a self-sustainable lifestyle. For most people, this means buying a piece of land and creating a homestead that no longer requires your dependence on being connected to the main power supply. Building your homestead will require time, but it will also require carefully choosing the piece of land you plan to build upon.…
When you think of the word diesel, images of big trucks hauling massive payloads down the highway probably come to mind. But today, engines that run on diesel fuel are manufactured by plenty of big name car companies. Diesel passenger cars and even SUVs are available for those interested. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, it might worth your time to at least look into diesel as a potential option.…
Gathering around the hearth is something that families have been doing for centuries. Unfortunately, this nostalgic action could be costing you money when it comes to your monthly utility costs. If you are looking for some simple ways to cut your energy use, look no further than your home’s fireplace.
Here are three things you can do to your fireplace to save money on utilities:
1. Make sure your chimney’s damper is closed tightly when you aren’t using the fireplace.…
Propane is a gas that you may actually prefer to use over other types of energy. There are multiple reasons for this. If you are operating a business, taking care of your home, or planning an event, consider these advantages that propane brings:
Luckily, propane usually comes in very portable containers. They often have handles that let you lift the propane up and set it down wherever you need. You can pick up new containers with your vehicle whenever you need to.…
Propane heat has a lot of benefits for those who live in cold weather clients. For example, if there is a snowstorm coming your way, you might feel peace of mind in knowing that you will still be able to keep your home and family nice and warm, even if the electricity goes out. However, you shouldn’t take your propane heat for granted when you are facing a serious winter storm.…