While older incandescent bulbs might be cheaper at the moment of purchase, their energy use and short lifespan are reason enough for most homeowners to stop using them. The alternatives then become LED and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL), both of which out-perform incandescent lights in these areas. However, there are some areas where they simply don’t measure up, such as in aesthetics and variety. As such, it’s a good idea to figure out where allowances might need to be made in order to retain your decor while still using better bulbs.…
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If you have recently moved into a home that uses propane for heating, it is important to have the tank filled before winter starts to ensure that you have enough propane to get through the winter. Having the propane filled during the end of summer will save you money because the cost of propane goes up at the beginning of winter because of high demand. If you plan to have your propane tank filled in the near future, use the following guide to properly prepare for the company that comes to fill the tank.…
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Renewable energy sources have rapidly been gaining attention, and this is for good reasons. These systems have experienced a significant decrease in cost and maintenance requirement in recent decades. In fact, homeowners have a variety of options available to them if they are wanting to install a renewable energy system for the home. In particular, wind turbines have started to gain popularity as a source of energy for homes. However, there are many homeowners that lack a detailed understanding of these systems, which can make it difficult for them to make an informed choice about whether to install these devices on their property.…
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